Aloe Vera

The aloe vera plant has infiltrated our everyday lives in the form of beauty products, food supplements, and dietary aids because of its natural stimulating enzymes, which promote healing and regrowth. For centuries, it has been known to encourage the rejuvenation of hair and skin with its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-septic, and pore stimulating properties.

So how does this work with no-poo hair care?

Aloe juice when mixed half and half with distilled water makes a light hairspray that creates shine and won't leave your locks sticky or stiff. Depending on your hair type, aloe gel from a bottle or direct from the plant can be added to your favorite oil or lemon juice for a deep, luxurious deep conditioner. Rub thoroughly into the scalp, let it sit for 15-20 minutes, and rinse.

For a lighter leave-in conditioner perfect for summertime swimming in salt or chlorine, dilute aloe fifty-fifty with distilled water and add one tablespoon of sealing oil. If that is too much or not enough, adjust to the amount of oil that works best for you. Shake well, wet hair thoroughly, and spray on.

Got detangling woes? Add essential oils to your preference to four ounces of aloe juice. Mix and apply to tangles before using fingers or a wide tooth comb to separate the knots.

Adding aloe in gel or liquid form to your personal hair care routine can help to restore moisture, sooth itching, and reduce the problems associated with dandruff. It will combine well with most no-poo recipes. For long-term storage, keep it in the refrigerator.